Monday, September 22, 2008

Squabling over the term "pendatang"

DAP, MCA and GERAKAN MPs are calling for action against the Bukit Bendera Umno division chief for uttering the word "pendatang" (immigrants) in reference to the Chinese in Malaysia. They think it is seditious.
I wonder....

How did the Division Chief utter the word and in what context? We must examine this before passing judgement.

If it is in the form of history, well, one cannot erase historical fact. The Chinese were immigrants brought in by the British in 1800s to work in the tin mine just as the Indians were brought in to work in the rubber estates.
Now, now don't argue pula that the Malays are "pendatang". A British lady wrote in her journal when traveling in Perak in 1800s, how amazed she was to see that the Malays were already a civilized people. The country was already cultured and civilized before the British came. Remember Tun Sri Lanang already wrote SEJARAH MELAYU. So they are not of the same status as the orang Asli. Anyway they did not push the Orang Asli as the Americans push the Indians when they "open" up the New World.

So what was the context this word was used? This is again a repeat of the school teacher who was labeled as racist for using "I don't know what words" which were sensitive to the Indian pupils in Telok Panglima Garang. As member of the public, we must have the whole story before we can pass judgement. Was the teacher provoked by her students? (Even so, I don't think she should lower herself to that level by uttering negative words to her students). But we have to know all the facts.

It seems in Malaysia today, the economically dominant Chinese ethnic group is 'untouchable'. Even the PM also has incurred the wrath of his people by trying to give the Division Chief the benefit of the doubt. Is this the result of Pakatan winning the last General Election in numbers unknown before in Malaysian history?

I think Malaysians need to look at things in the proper perspective, otherwise we are going for a head-on collision soon. Please don't make a mountain out of a mole. Don't stir the hornet's nest. Don't try to be heroes of our community alone. The most important moral lesson: put oneself in other's shoes. These go for both the UMNO and the Division Chief and the MPs of GERAKAN, DAP and MCA. Don't forget history!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for reminding the chinese n indians. it is normal for people to forget who they were once they entered the comfort zone.